Privacy Policy

Information on data processing in accordance with Art. 13 of the European Regulation 679/2016

Dear Customer, the writer Partytapp SRL, the owner of the processing of your personal data, pursuant to Art. 13 of Reg. EU 679/2016, informs you about the following regarding the personal data you provide for the management of the contractual relationship.

Type of data, purpose and legal basis for processing

The personal data you provide will be used within the limits of and in furtherance of the purposes related to the current contractual relationship exclusively for the following purposes:

Navigation data (language settings, IP address, device settings, operating system for mobile devices, login information, time of use, URL request, status information, user agent (version information of the browser), operating system, ID of the user reservation and data types visualized. The website could also collect data automatically through cookies, see in this regard the appropriate information).
Manage navigation within the site Web/app and technical management of services provided as well as enable analysis, check the number of visitors and ensure safety and optimal functionality of the site itself and the navigation/user services
The legal basis for the processing is the legitimate interest of the owner to ensure safety and optimal functionality of the site as well as to protect the own rights.
Identification and contact information provided voluntarily by the Interested party for the service registration. For example: name, last name, residence, cell phone number for two-factor authentication, date of birth, sex, e-mail, social security number, etc.).
Manage service enrollment.
The legal basis for the processing is. The execution of measures taken on request of the Interested Party, the execution of a contract to which the Interested Party is a party or Of pre-contractual measures taken on request of the same
Identification and contact information provided voluntarily by the Interested Party In using the services offered by the site web/app, third-party data provided by the person concerned under his or her functional responsibilities to the reservation, credit data present in the wallet and related recharge for The booking and use of services.
Respond to any requests for information from interested parties and/or provide the services requested by them, particularly the booking of services, event registration, etc.
The legal basis for the processing is the execution of measures taken on request of the Interested party, the execution of a contract to which the Interested party is a party or of pre-contractual measures taken on request of the same.
Identification and contact information provided voluntarily by the Interested party In using the services offered by the site web.
Send to the Interested party via the data of contact provided in the website later To registration by the person concerned and only upon expression of a specific consent, which will be requested at the service registration;
The legal basis for the processing is the consent of the Data Subject as well as the legitimate interest of the Owner (cf. In this regard, Recital 47 of Reg. EU 679/2016) to raise awareness and develop its business, provided that That the interests or rights and fundamental freedoms of the person concerned, taking into account the reasonable expectations nurtured by the person himself based on the his relationship with the holder of the treatment.
Identification and contact information provided voluntarily by the Interested Party In using the services offered by the site Web, third-party data provided by the data subject Under their own responsibility functional to the reservation, credit data present in the wallet and related recharge for The booking and use of services. Any special data related to the health/vaccination status in relation to containment protocols Of the spread of the covid epidemic19
Identification and contact information provided voluntarily by the Interested Party In using the services offered by the site Web, third-party data provided by the data subject under its own functional responsibility To the reservation, credit data present in the wallet and related recharge for The booking and use of services. Any special data related to the health/vaccination status in relation to containment protocols Of the spread of the covid epidemic19
Disclosure of data to organizers of events for service management required
The legal basis for the processing is the execution of measures taken on request of the Interested party, the execution of a contract to which the Interested party is a party or of pre-contractual measures taken on request of the same.
Identification and contact information provided voluntarily by the Interested party In using the services offered by the site web.
Disclosure of data to organizers of events for sending communications commercial.
The legal basis for the processing is the consent of the Interested party.

Mode and duration of treatment

The personal data you provide will be processed “lawfully and fairly” with the support of paper, computer or telematic tools. The processing of the data will continue for the duration of the relationship with the owner and, if necessary for any fulfillments to which the owner is subject until the fulfillment of the latter, based on what is imposed by current regulations. With regard to processing necessary to send communications, newsletters and/or commercial offers, data will be retained until the data subject revokes his or her consent. Where the legal basis for processing is the Client’s consent, the Client has the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out up to the date of withdrawal of consent.

Communication and dissemination of data and possible recipients

Only those individuals authorized by the owner will be able to access, and thus learn about your data, limited to the data necessary to carry out their duties. Without prejudice to communications performed in fulfillment of legal and contractual obligations, all data collected and processed may be communicated exclusively for the purposes specified above to:

  • Persons authorized by the data controller (collaborators, trainees and employees);
  • Processors or external collaborators of the owner (e.g., legal, accounting, IT consultants, etc.);
  • event organizers;
  • Payment-related service providers;
  • Public and private entities to which disclosure is due by law or regulation;
  • insurance and debt collection companies;

Your data will not be disseminated. A list of any such external parties is made available upon request by the data subject.

Transfer of personal data abroad

The Data may be transferred abroad only if the owner decides to use IT services (website, e-mail, cloud services, e-mail direct marketing, services for electronic payments, etc.) operated by providers residing in countries outside the European Community or using servers located in foreign countries. In such cases, the transfer to Third Countries will take place in compliance with the EU Privacy Regulation 679/2016.

Nature of data provision and consequences of failure to provide consent

The provision of data and its processing are optional, but functional for the performance of activities necessary for the execution of contractual obligations. Refusal to provide data for these purposes may make it impossible to fulfill contractual relationships and legal obligations. Providing data is optional for sending commercial communications and offers. Refusal will not affect the provision of the other services. You may object to such processing at any time, even after having granted consent for commercial purposes, by sending a request to the owner by sending a communication to

Rights of the data subject

The data subject has the right to obtain, from the Data Controller, confirmation of the existence or non-existence of Data concerning him/her, even if not yet recorded, and communication of such Data in an intelligible form. It also has the right to obtain the updating, rectification or, when it is in its interest, the integration of the Data, the cancellation or limitation of their processing, the transformation into anonymous form or the blocking of the Data processed in violation of the law (including those for which the preservation is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the Data have been collected or subsequently processed), certification that the operations referred to in the preceding points have been brought to the attention, also as regards their content, of those to whom the Data have been communicated or disseminated, except where this proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right. The data subject has the right to object, in whole or in part, on legitimate grounds, to the processing of Data, even if pertinent to the purpose of collection, as well as to have the right to portability of electronic data that are subject to automated processing and to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. These rights may be exercised by contacting the Holder through the physical and telematic channels indicated in the header.

Data deletion

Users may request deletion of their account, and all Data related to it, at any time and for any reason via the “delete account” button on the Partytapp APP or via the “contact” form on the website. The profile will first be deactivated and then deleted after 30 days since the last login.

Holder identification details

The data controller is Partytapp SRL – Piazza Libertà 14, 38121 Trento (TN), e-mail The updated list of data processors is available at the office of the data controller.